The MBT technology fixates contaminants within their host solid matrices such as soil, sediments, water treatment residuals, biosolids, and other solid wastes. MBT treatment eliminates or reduces contaminant leachability and provides a new way to address PFAS in soils and solids—preventing or minimizing contaminant migration, including a broad spectrum of hazardous heavy metals often present in soils.
MBT reagent formulations generally fall within two (2) categories: MBT-HM reagents for heavy metals and inorganic materials; and MBT-OC reagents for organic compounds and organic matter. Each formulation is distinctly different from the other, however both utilize molecular binding/bonding principles to minimize contaminant leaching.
Testing has confirmed that MBT reagents reduce the leachability of contaminants to below established or envisioned action levels allowing for onsite management of impacted soil, solids, and waste or for their disposal in licensed RCRA landfills. Data suggests that once soils and solids are treated with MBT reagent formulations, those treated materials can remove heavy metals and PFAS contaminants from fluids they may contact such as ground water, acid mine drainage (AMD), or actual landfill leachate.
YBT selects and optimizes MBT reagents in blends for a specific material and contaminant concentrations as well as leachability criteria limits. MBT reagent blends are then appropriately dosed to the target material and robustly mixed to assure intimate contact with the contaminant of concern within the host matrix.

YBT performs bench and engineering-scale viability studies to identify and validate MBT reagent systems and blends. Optimization studies are an essential part of overall treatability studies to evaluate the best means for reagent application and mixing and overall performance, and to determine costs for any specific application. Larger onsite engineering and pilot trials may be useful for further project stakeholder evaluation of MBT treatment efficacy.
See photos of MBT treatment in action, then send an email to info@ybtechs.com and tell us about your project. We’ll contact you to start a discussion.
Striving to break the PFAS cycle…….

Reduces the leachability of PFAS from solids to allow for on-site management of treated material or their off-site disposal in a licensed RCRA subtitle D landfill.
Converts leachable heavy metals in hazardous waste as defined by RCRA’s Toxicity rule to non-leachable forms so material can be disposed as a lower cost non-hazardous waste.
Treats soil and soil-like material, sludges, water treatment residuals, sediments, etc.
Couples with the AN™, AMEOX™, and IMC™ technologies to provide broad-spectrum solutions that will break the PFAS cycle or facilitate closure of legacy/abandoned mines.

Reagent blending can be provided using exsitu or insitu means ranging from near surface application and tilling, to deep auger/injection mixing, to soil excavation and direct feed to small batch or continuous flow pugmills.
MBT reagents are purchased with technical support in small packages to large bulk quantities depending upon project or material needs.
MBT reagents may be applied to target materials as a prepared blend, or in liquid, slurry, or solid form. MBT reagent blends may be prepared onsite or offsite for direct application use.
Turnkey servicing can be provided by YBT where YBT will be responsible for all aspects of the technology delivery and treatment results.
Full-scale turnkey MBT processing services may be contracted on a lump-sum basis, unit price, or T&M basis.

MBT-HM reagents convert leachable heavy metal species in solids and soil-like material to stable forms of reduced leachability as measured using USEPA’s SW-846 Methods.
Mitigates acid-generating pyrrhotic properties of mine and ore-related solid materials so that sulfide is destroyed preventing future oxidation in the presence of water, oxygen, and bacteria to generate acidity and cause dissolution of heavy metals.
MBT-OC reagents specifically designed and formulated to reduce the leachability of PFAS and other organic compounds from soils, sediments, sludges, biosolids, solid waste, etc.
Allows for onsite or landfill management of the impacted materials by mitigating the risk of PFAS migration from the treated material.
MBT-HM and MBT-OC reagent combinations will address leachable heavy metals and PFAS when present in solids, e.g., plating facility residuals or biosolids from landfills.