At YB Technologies, we work with clients to apply game changing technology to the challenge of how to destroy PFAS. Our breakthrough AMEOX® systems and services provide flexible, scalable, and cost-effective ways to begin eliminating this class of “forever chemicals” from our environment.
The AMEOX® technology creates powerful oxidants and oxidizing conditions within its various system components. Electricity, other inducements, and specific processing techniques are uniquely combined and applied to water, fluids, concentrates, and spent granular activated carbon (GAC) to destroy Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), and in particular Perfluoroalky Acids (PFAA’s) such as PFOA and PFOS telomeres.
Here's how it works:

PFAS concentrations in spent carbon or fluids drive our AMEOX® system operation for each specific site. We keep tight focus on treatment objectives while taking into consideration related media fluid characteristics and other chemical constituets, as well as ease of technology use and system portability for multiple site-to-site application options.
When applied to media fluid containing PFAS within the system’s reactors and process components, carbon-organic fluorine bonds are broken to yield carbon dioxide and inorganic fluoride.

Spent Granular Activated Carbon
For spent GAC, the AMEOX® technology is applied in a recirculating flow loop between the GAC in an absorber reactor and the AMEOX process equipment. Water transformed to AMEOX fluid within the AMEOX process equipment is pumped into the absorber reactor containing spent granular activated carbon, and returned to the AMEOX equipment without discharge. Global contaminants, e.g. PFAS, are destroyed within the GAC media, and also within the AMEOX process equipment for PFAS stripped from the GAC. This is an effective process for spent GAC regeneration, to reduce costs for disposal, or to accommodate other management options. The AMEOX fluid can be re-used for subsequent GAC treatment runs, or processed through the system to allow for final discharge or disposal of the fluid.
YBT recommends spent carbon be processed onsite in an absorber removed from service during treatment, and then placed back on-line for water treatment when AMEOX® processing is complete. Conventionally, two (2) serial "lead-lag" configured absorbers are provided to remove PFAS from water. A third absorber would allow for uninterrupted treatment with "leap-frogging" absorbers where two (2) absorbers would be in water treatment service while the 3rd is treated for adsorbed PFAS.
Fluid Concentrates and Brines
AMEOX® processing equipment will also treat concentrated fluids or brines in batch, such as washes or rinses, or continuous lower flow reject concentrates from ultrafiltration or reverse osmosis. For these applications, stored fluids can be recirculated through the AMEOX® treatment equipment.

PFAS destruction in GAC and fluid concentrates.
Removes iron, calcium and others.
Low Life Cycle Costs.
GAC Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle.
Stainless Steel Construction.
< 100 A power.
Landfill leachate/plating fluid treatment (with, e.g., AN™, filtration, solids separation, etc.) for PFAS.
Manufacture of oxidative fluids for multiple application options.​

Available through Zone and Specialty Applicator Agreements CLICK HERE.
Process equipment mobilization, setup, tear-down, and demobilization.
Operator training, technical support, and non-routine repair and maintenance.
Full-scale turnkey AMEOX® processing services.
Lump-sum, unit price, or T&M contracting opportunities.

Single Unit: up to 5000 pounds GAC (typ.)
Dual Unit: up to 10,000 pounds GAC (typ.)
Multiple Parallel Ganged Units: for >10,000 pounds GAC